
Still alive…

This picture sums up my approach to life quite well! “Eh…”

Things have been busy. I took a quickie trip to Santa Barbara (3 short days, 2 nights) and had a great time with Jill and her college friend Doug. A blog post on that trip is on the way.

I was supposed to go to Los Angeles to see my family last weekend (guilt! guilt!), but I had some issues with Southwest Airlines at the airport, so that trip is postponed. My mom was really understanding when I told her that I had to cancel.”Oh It’s ok Tracy ! I’m NOT DEAD!!!”.”  I am not proud to say this, but I was a little relieved when the trip was called off. It takes a lot of energy to make it to LA.I love my family, but they are a handful.

Oh! I’m going to Vegas during Labor Day to celebrate my Uncle Vay’s wedding. It makes sense that my uncle and his lawyer? wife would plan their wedding celebrations in the most efficient fashion, around a national holiday. Really excited about the 10 hour drive, taking a holiday with Ryan, and sneaking Jill, Joseph, and maybe Will into my hotel room. Vegas!

Other exciting news? I’m taking French at the community college with Jill. While I’m not learning as much as I did in Latin or Mandarin, it has been a lot of fun so far, and I’m really happy with it. Also, we’ve got a  few high school friends visiting over the next few weeks, so lots going on.


5 Memories for 5 Years

Today was the fifth anniversary of my dad’s death. I don’t put much stock in anniversaries, but this year made me especially sad. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 5 years- it’s just really surprising how time doesn’t stop passing.

Anybody that spends five minutes with me knows that I’m fascinated with morbid stuff. Taxidermy, mortality rates, death portraits… I could dwell on the significance of the death, and talk about how beautiful and crazy life/death is, but I thought that I would finish today (it’s had its ups and downs) on an optimistic note- by sharing five wonderful memories that I have of my father. These are not meant to be big, or particularly meaningful, but they made me smile when I thought of them.

  1. Everyday my dad made a GALLON of coffee in a makeshift pitcher crafted out of an old cooking oil container (just cut the top off). He would mix it up with loads of cream and sugar. Basically that’s how I like my coffee today. I know, sickly sweet and disgusting (and I do this to my $$$ coffee too).
  2. He was a total taoist and was always telling me while I was growing up that in life I just needed to follow “the way.” He practiced what he preached. Several weeks before he died, we sat on the couch talking. He said “I hate chemo. I don’t want to do it anymore. You can’t fight things like this, you just have to let it happen. I’m not afraid to die, but I am tired of the pain.” I think about this conversation quite often.
  3. I was a spoiled brat. I always got the latest stupidly expensive technology (scanners, digital cameras, computers, ipods). I was very touched that he was so supportive of my gadget love, and wanted me to have the best tools available to post boring photos of myself online with. I still have the camera I received as a present during Christmas 2005, and have no plans of donating or recycling it.
  4. He made up a song for me that went like this: “Ka-man-da-la-woo, Tracy eats poo poo.” I thought he was nuts, but whatever. About a year ago I heard the song “Comment Allez Vous” by Blossom Dearie, and I realized that he had been singing “Comment allez vous” the entire time. Really wild. The um… poop part… I think that was definitely in English.
  5. Dad drove me to school in downtown Little Rock every day during junior and senior high school (I could walk to elementary). He would watch the morning news and have his morning tea, and by 8:00 or so we were off in his rickety blue Jeep for the 20 minute drive. Oftentimes we didn’t talk at all, we just listened to my mix tapes or NPR while I finished up any leftover homework. He told my mom that he really cherished this time with me. I agree.

Five years! So wild. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family that you love them.


Dengue Fever at the Fillmore


On Wednesday morning I woke up to an email from my friend Alyssa offering free tickets (via Habitat for Humanity) to Dengue Fever. It was really the best surprise you could ask for on a Wednesday.

The weather last night was horrible, really soggy and cold. Inside, however, everything was st-eeeeeeamy. I felt like I was back on the party boat in Saigon drinking cheap beers with my relatives and pondering the meaning of life. That’s really what I love about Dengue Fever. Even though the lyrics are in Cambodian, it reminds me of hanging out with my family in Asia, during the great “My Father is Dead Let’s Go Back to the Homeland” Tour of 2006. Music is funny like that.

Life, Travel

I’ve been on two very lovely trips in the last few weeks, and with no more travel on the immediate horizon, I’ve officially got the post-vacation blues. I love my San Francisco life, but still am feeling a bit down. Adventure! Drama! Danger! It’s just not as likely when you’re at home. Luckily I saw my mild depression at the reality that is my life coming. Here are a few things that I’m doing to make the return to work and regular life easier:

1. I scheduled a “transition day” between the end of my vacation and the beginning of the workweek. This is essential for maintaining sanity!

2. I made sure to spend time with my friends, and to set up playdates for the upcoming week.

3. I took care of laundry, cleaning, and groceries ASAP, to make sure I’m clean and well fed for the coming week. Nothing like a clean bed and yummy foods to feel happy to be back at home.

4. While on vacation I mostly avoided work emails. I will get to them when I am back at work. One must set boundaries between personal life and work!

5. On a whim I purchased new attachments and toys for my Diana toy camera. Now I’m looking forward to learning more about my camera and using the new attachments.

6. I also started a new book- Just Kids, by Patti Smith.

7. Yes, I’m scheduling another trip! You gotta have something to look forward to. Shanghai? Morocco? Miami? I don’t know, but wherever I go, it will probably be solo.Exciting.


Today’s Inspiration: Life Advice from Forever 21


While it doesn’t say anything about minimalism (including …ahem… shopping less), this inspirational blurb on the wall at Forever 21 pretty much sums up my life goals. Except for that butterfly part… What’s that all about?